I missed my long run on Sunday so I decided to get up early and fit in the 10 miles I wanted to do before work. As seems to always be the case recently, it had snowed more than expected the night before and was still snowing lightly as I went out the door. The main roads were plowed but some of the side roads hadn't been touched.
It was slow going as my feet seemingly spent as much time slipping backwards as they did moving forward. About 8 miles into the run I was on a back road and by this time the snow had stopped and the moon was visible, although it was only a sliver this time of month. Other than the moonlight and my headlamp, it was completely dark, I hadn't seen a street light in a couple of miles.

I came to a stretch of road that hadn't been touched by a plow and only had one set of tire tracks in it, which I was trying to run in. There were a few trees but mostly it was an open field. Even though I was getting pretty cold and just wanted to finish the run, I stopped for what was probably just a minute or so, and took in the silence.
It was probably 5 in the morning at this point, fresh snow on the ground, a beautiful moon and complete silence. How often does someone get to experience that? I know I don't very often and it is usually when I'm out running that I experience these moments of silence which is typically followed by feelings of gratitude.
That's one reason I run.
Photo credit: Cricce
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