The race has grown in popularity over the past few years. I used to arrive at the race around 5:30 and was able to park right at the state park lot. This year I arrived at 5:45 and not only was the state park lot already full but so was the overflow lot. I ended up parking about a 1/4 mile away, gearing up and riding my bike to the race site.
One downside to not being parked on site was having to remember everything you need for the race. Which I did not. I wasn't able to register the night before so the plan was to register on race morning. Which I did, after having to go back to retreive my USAT card and license that I had left back in my car.

T1 transition was a little slow, I had a tough time with my socks, which after thinking about it, I probably didn't really need for the race distance. I took it steady on the bike course never pushing it too hard. I was this race as a training race just to get the race bugs out before the Patriot in July. I finished the bike with an average speed of just over 19 MPH. Not great but not terrible.

After about 2 miles on the run I started feel my stride and the last 2/3 of the race felt great. Overall I finished in 2:37. Again, not great but not terrible.
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