The trip started at 3am on Monday when I had to wake up to get to the airport. This was after watching my previously undefeated Patriots blow a lead in the final 2 minutes of the superbowl the night before.
I haven't done any traveling for a while and hadn't been to the NYC area since about a year after 9/11. I was looking forward to the trip except for leaving the family for a few days.
Overall the trip was a good one. From the plane, I was able to see the sunrise on the way out and sunset on the way back. It was a little thing but I felt thankful to see it nonetheless.
The work part of the trip went well and I was able to interact with some new people at the company. They are a good group of people, even if they were all Giants fans and I had to listen to their Superbowl gloating for three days.

I'm not in a city the size of New York very often so every time I'm able to visit I feel pretty humbled by how many people there are in the world. Seeing so many people in one small section of one large city, it's incredible to think of how many people there are in the rest of this city and the rest of the world.
I saw plenty of strange (someone dressed in superman costume outside the Toys 'R Us store which had a full size ferris wheel inside) and cool things(a street performer who was playing plastic pails, the top of a gas grill and several other items).
I had a great dinner at a scottish bar called St. Andrews. I had a scottish waiter with a scottish accent (in a kilt!) and a great scottish beer. It was a fun experience.

The long range forecast calls for a snowy several days at home. Looks like I'll be getting some quality time on the trainer...
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